The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Windcrest Trailer Park, East College Ave., circa 1946-50. At the end of WWII, the college bought some used trailers from the government that had been used to house war workers at western and midwestern war plants. These trailers became the home for married ex-servicemen attending Penn State. They were a way-stop for some of Tom Brokaw's "The Greatest Generation" and a nurturing place for the Baby Boomer generation. The trailers weren't much; they were cold in winter, hot in the summer. The kerosene heaters would blow up when the wind blew too hard, but the young women who lived in these hovels decorated them, cooked meals on their Coleman gas stoves, and turned them into castles for their husbands and children and held their heads up high when they went into town to shop for groceries, etc.